A space, a team and methods centered on the “doing”

Whether for 3D modeling or collaborative work for a business model, a value proposition, the use of new technologies or the treatment of complexity: choose the Marseille CityLab’s methodology.

The Marseille CityLab has been designed to foster innovation and collaboration, in an ecosystem of local economic actors, national companies, start-ups, experts …

140 sqm dedicated to collaborative work: workshops in co-construction, prototyping, ideation..  Mainly designed to experiment with collaborative courses up to fifty participants, which can be completed up to 11 subcommittee rooms.

A team of professional partners using powerful methods (design thinking, co-design) can be mobilized for the preparation and animation of your event.

The pros

  • Capacity up to 100 people
  • 140sqm of co-creation area
  • Modular and scalable furniture adapted to each workshop
  • Latest generation technology equipment
  • Writeable wall surfaces

CODESIGN-IT support !

What we call Collaborative Design or Codesign is relying on collective creativity and collaboration to enable the generation of robust solutions and the definition of engaging action plans, in a concentrated time, in the service of the collective.

It is engaging and empowering your teams, individually and collectively, in developing a common response through different levers (time compression, multiple cycles of collaborative iterations, and massive parallelization of the work).

Finally, it is moving the cursor on the following elements throughout strong moments of collective exchanges and work.

Parallel Working

To test ideas and work on different configurations


To share ideas

Plenary sessions

To synchronize ideas, goals and outputs


To learn from other organizations or initiatives

Equipment and services on request

  • Wifi fiber
  • Big screen, video conference, communication bubble, content sharing
  • Team of facilitators (on request)
  • Sound system 1 HF microphone, PC sound (on request)
  • Audiovisual technician (on request)
  • HD video conferencing (on request)
  • Tablet chairs (on request)
  • Other (contact us)
Centre de congrès & centre d'affaires à marseille et Paris